Monday, 12 April 2010

_3d model

Render In Context:-

I've spent the last week working 9-5 and then working a further 4 or 5hours each evening on this scheme, thankfully I've managed to get ahead this weekend and my 3d model is now coming together. Click the above image to see a higher res version of one of my near finished elevation renders in context.

I've started working on the details now and building it all in 3d, its somewhat time consuming but very useful, i still find myself making minor tweaks to the design even at this late stage. The below images show the external and internal use of both in-situ concrete and stone sourced from around the site (the site was formally a quary) and a swimming pool/shower section.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

_3D Model _Initial Render

It’s been a while since I’ve posted and I’ve been somewhat busy over the last few months, I’ve now completed my plans and the technical report and I’ve started working on the 3d model, an initial render showing the front of the site is enclosed below, you can view a higher resolution copy if you click the image.
The render shows the north elevation from cemetery road...the front of the spa. The existing offices are converted into the entrance foyer and the new restaurant extension is located where the existing car sales office is located.. more renders and more indepth information to come soon!

Monday, 15 March 2010

_concept development Image

A concept sketch showing the development of the concept into a building can be seen here:-

Monday, 25 January 2010

_A4 Thesis Proposal

I have completed an A4 Sheet outlining my thesis proposal, this can be found at:-

Saturday, 2 January 2010

_Concept Model Dissection

I have spent the last few weeks working on conceptual models which investigate the spaces and forms created through the dissection of a spa gown, a selection of some of my work can be seen below. Inital floor plans will be uploaded within the next week or two.